SNJ Group is a dynamic company specializing in import and export distribution.
Since our establishment, we have tried to locate proven food manufacturers from Europe, USA and Asia to supply them to consumers and second distributors in Korea.
Continuous sales growth each year made our consumers and distributors always trust us as a proven food developer and marketing expert.
In such a fast-changing business environment, SNJ Group is willing to reborn as a company leading new trends.
Through ‘selection and concentration’, we will always try to satisfy our customers first.
To do this, we will do our best to become a company trusted by our customers;
a future-oriented company through continuous innovations and creative mind;
and a food supplying company who is socially responsible for the healthy and safety of our customers.

Misson & Vision
Global leader in food in dustry
“SNJ will supply only safe and healthy food to consumers and distributors”
Help customers’ better lifestyle and become a reliable company
“To establish safe and healthy food lifestyle, we will locate and supply only proven food from worldwide to improve our customers’ life quality, while SNJ Group will be positioned as a company trusted by our consumers.”